Guitar TheoryA
Constructing major scales - This is the starting point for understanding all music theory. Major key signaturesMajor key circle of 5ths - visual representation of major key signaturesBasic Chord Construction - learn the basic theory behind chord construction and how it is applied to the guitar. Chord Construction - 3 Note
Part 1 - This lesson will give you a basic understanding of how all 3 note chords are constructed
and how to apply that theory to the neck of the guitar. This will include major, minor, augmented, diminished, sus2 and sus4
Part 2 - This lesson covers how to spell any 3 note chord.
Part 3 - This lessons covers how to further apply the theory learned in the previous parts to the neck of the
guitar. You will learn how to alter basic chord shapes that you already know to form other types of chords.
Major Key Harmony - Learn the music theory behind major keys. Discover the chord possibilities, and learn an easy visual
method for finding what chords are in any major key. *Guest Teacher
Series - Darrin Koltow* How Chord Progressions Work - Learn the basics of how chords fit together into coherent chord progressions. *Guest Teacher Series - Darrin Koltow*
All About Chords
Part 1 - Learn to understand how harmony and chords work on the guitar. Part 2 - Learn more about chords and the ii-V-I chord progression. Part 3 - Learn more about guitar chords and arpeggios. Part 4 - The Blues Injection. Part 5 - CAGED - Form E Part 6 - CAGED - Form A Part 7 - CAGED - Form A - Arpeggios Part 8 - CAGED - Form A - Chord Melody Intervals - the musical measurement of distance and sound.
Natural Minor Scale - Minor scale construction, and the relationship between major and minor. Learn how the theory is applied
to the neck of the guitar.
Pentatonic Scales - Learn the construction of both major and minor pentatonic scales. A reference of all pentatonic scale
forms and functions is included.
Modes 101 - Learn how modes are constructed, and how they are used as both a tonal center, and as scales for particular